Account Add-ons
Customize your account, your way
For members with existing accounts that want more.
Account Add-on options
- Market Savings
- Holiday Savings
- Save for Something Savings (as many as you want!)
- Checking with interest
- Certificate of Deposit
- VISA credit card
- Online Banking Account access
- Bill Pay
- eStatements
- Line of Credit
- VISA debit card
- Overdraft Protection (ODP)
Included services
Direct Deposit
For Direct Deposit into your WRCU account, you will need:
- WRCU Routing Number: 325180401
- Your WRCU Account Number (must be in 12-digit format)
- Please call 360-825-4833 ext. 6 option 4 for assistance
Key Benefits
- Paychecks are deposited automatically to your account
- Deposits are made even if you’re out of town
- Payroll deduction
Automatic Transfers
Have your money transferred automatically, you choose the amount and time.