How to Become a Volunteer
Volunteering to serve on WRCU’s Board of Directors can be an extremely rewarding experience. You may find that representing your fellow Credit Union members not only benefits them but will provide you with valuable knowledge for years to come.
About Credit Unions
Credit Unions are a not-for-profit cooperative that helps its members to realize their financial goals and dreams. Members are considered to be “owners” of the Credit Union and as such elect other members to serve on the Board of Directors. It is the Directors responsibility to set Credit Union policies, objectives and long term goals which are considered vital in the health and well-being of White River Credit Union. Once elected, Directors have the opportunity to share their business experiences, leadership skills and management capabilities in a team effort.
Who Is Eligible To Become A Credit Union Volunteer?
When running for a vacant Board position, all that is required of you is to be a member in good standing and send an email to the Nominating Committee in care of email@whiterivercu.com
If Elected, How Long Do I Serve?
Directors are elected to a three (3) year term and may run for re-election should they so desire.
The Board of Directors meets six (6) times a year. The primary meeting of the Board of Directors is held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month starting at 5:30 p.m. and often takes two (2) to three (3) hours. Dinner is provided at 5:00pm. There are times, however, when special meetings are necessary and can be called during the day or evening.
Director meetings are extremely important and must be taken seriously and as such must be given a high priority in one’s schedule. Critical information is shared at each and every meeting and only through your attendance can you expect to make intelligent decisions for White River CU.
WRCU stresses the importance and relevance of education to our volunteers. Every year the Credit Union provides each director with several online educational opportunities.
There is no compensation given, thus the literal meaning of “Volunteer.” 🙂
What Responsibilities Would I Have?
The primary responsibility of a Director is to safeguard the member’s financial assets and to meet our member’s needs in terms of product and services. Directors develop a road map of priorities (strategic planning) for management and staff to follow. Directors set policy in such areas as: lending, collections, and investments just to name a few.
Are There Potential Liabilities For My Service?
Serving as a volunteer carries certain legal responsibilities. Failing to follow organization procedures and sound business principals has resulted in lawsuits being filed. The following are just a few areas one should avoid: 1) The approval of self-serving, improvident or excessive loans and 2) non-compliance with regulatory directives.
It is important to note that incidents of Directors being sued are rare and only occur in extreme circumstances. Attending scheduled meetings, staying informed on industry developments and evaluating Credit Union financial performance are keys to success.
Would I Make A Good Credit Union Volunteer?
Volunteers must maintain a balanced focus on serving member needs while preserving the financial strength of the Credit Union. Below are some important factors to consider “prior” to becoming a Credit Union volunteer:
- Be familiar with WRCU products and services.
- Understand the economics and social conditions affecting WRCU.
- Be committed to attending both scheduled meetings and educational programs offered by WRCU.
- Be a member in good standing and utilize White River Credit Union for your primary financial accounts.
- Act as an ambassador for WRCU. Pay attention to the needs and wants of fellow members as well as the community at large, and report your findings to Credit Union management.
- Always put WRCU first. The safety and soundness of White River Credit Union should come before any personal agendas.
- Serving as a Credit Union volunteer is a highly responsible and challenging position, which brings about tremendous satisfaction in the helping of others.
If you’re interested in running, submit a brief resume to the Nominating Committee in care of email@whiterivercu.com. Submission must be received by March 4, 2024. We’ll be holding elections in April.