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couple paying for merchandise who may or may not understand their rights as consumers

When you make a purchase from a retailer or decide to entrust a company to provide a service, it is your expectation that the item or service will meet certain standards. If it does not, this may be a violation of your consumer rights. At White River Credit Union, we are dedicated to protecting the Enumclaw community from fraud and other deceptive practices so that you don’t lose money or have your quality of life threatened. We provide information about consumer protection so you can continue to buy goods and services with confidence.

What Rights Do You Have as a Consumer?

Businesses you entrust with your patronage are required to understand and refrain from violating your consumer rights. If an item you buy does not meet the expectations set in an advertisement, you have recourse against false advertising. Likewise, if a service provider falsifies its qualifications to complete the service or abandons the project, you have consumer rights at the federal and state levels to protect you, your household, and your money. 

Because fraud can occur in a variety of circumstances, there are several key federal statutes which provide consumer protection. These include the Federal Trade Commission Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and the Consumer Product Safety Act. Each state, including Washington, also provides another level of protection to safeguard your consumer rights against unfair business practices. In Washington, the Consumer Protection Division enforces the Consumer Protection Act and other statutes so that you can rest easy as a consumer.

How Does White River Credit Union Protect Your Rights?

At White River Credit Union, we understand how important your personal information is and want to help ensure its safety at all times. We are dedicated to protecting our community and members by offering information about your consumer rights and methods to safeguard your bank accounts and identity. Our goal is to see the community grow and prosper by helping you understand your consumer rights at the federal and state levels. Come in and ask us about your consumer protection and rights.

Join Our Credit Union Today

White River Credit Union has been a part of this community for over 60 years, and we want to see all of its members prosper. As a member of our credit union, you will benefit from our expertise so that you can meet your financial goals. From checking accounts to personal lines of credit, bill management to consumer protection, we are here to serve our community and set you up for success.